Greg I-Call cards...
With Greg I-Call card you can get an acess to the cheap calls from any usual phone
or taxofone. You call one of our free-of-charge line 822 xxx xxx, enter account number and secret code and then country and city code and called number.This variant is not optimal and aasigned for people who have not internet connection.
Phone numbers of I-Call card platform:
822 20 20 20
822 50 50 50
Greg I-Call cards sale points:
- Greg Computers s.r.o
Jinonická 732/4, Praha 5, tel. 257 221 704
- Brasers & Company, s.r.o.
Jindrisska 7, Praha 1, офис 50 (2 patro)
тел. 224 233 424, 604 862 202, 603 960 668